Location of World Mints and Printing Companies
powered by Google Earth
The purpose of this page is simple - so that
you don't have to waste your time trying to find these places if you ever travel
to the following countries! Google Maps might be able to give you directions, so
give it a try! Also, do check the official homepage of the Mints and Printing
companies and they might give you a tip on how to get there.
Powered by Google Earth, you can view world
mints and Printing Companies globally via Google Earth as long as they do not
have any special underground facilities. This list is currently on it's
beginning stage and any help on locating world mints and printing companies
coordinates will be highly appreciated. A comprehensive list of current existing
world mints and printing companies as well as official Central Banks can be found on this link:
To use Google Earth, you must download the
software Google Earth here:
http://earth.google.com/ Google Earth is FREE by the way. You can cut
and paste the coordinates and it will take you to the destination immediately.
(Note: Not all older computers can handle the graphics required
by Google Earth - check the requirements needed on Google Earth's site)
Any unrecorded mints, printing companies etc,
please email me at:

and send me the name and coordinates (you
don't have to send me the png or jpg attachment) and I will list it immediately.
Currently known mints, printing companies
location on Google Earth:
Mint Name |
The Royal Australian Mint |
Address |
Denison Street, Deakin, Canberra, ACT
2600 |
Address (mail) |
Locked Bag 31, Kingston ACT 2604 |
Telephone |
1300 652 020 (local), +61 2 6202 6800
(international) |
Fax |
02 6202 6953 |
E-mail |
info@ramint.gov.au |
Website |
http://www.ramint.gov.au |
Language |
English |
Google coordinates |
35 18'53.25"S, 149 06'27.12"E

Mint Name |
The Perth Mint |
Address |
300-310 Hay Street, East Perth, WA 6004 |
Address (mail) |
PO Box 6297, Earth Perth, WA 6892 |
Telephone |
1300 663 991 (local), +61 8 9421 7218
(international) |
Fax |
08 9225 5012 |
E-mail |
info@perthmint.com.au |
Website |
http://www.perthmint.com.au |
Language |
English |
Google coordinates |
31 57'25.64"S, 115 52'11.76"E

Mint Name |
Koninklijke Munt
van België (Royal Belgium Mint) |
Address |
Pachecolaan 23, 1000 Brussel |
Address (mail) |
Pachéco, 32, 1000 Brussels |
Telephone |
+32 (0) 2 221 07
11 |
Fax |
+32 (0) 2 217 70
64 |
E-mail |
mrb.kmb@minfin.fed.be |
Website |
http://www.europemint.eu/ |
Language |
Dutch, French, English |
Google coordinates |
50 51'0.27"N, 4 21'42.30"E

Mint Name |
Monnaie de Paris, établissement monetaire
(Paris Mint, minting facility) |
Address |
Voie Romaine (Pessac) |
Address (mail) |
Telephone |
N/A |
Fax |
N/A |
E-mail |
N/A |
Website |
http://www.monnaiedeparis.com/ |
Language |
French, English |
Google coordinates |
44°46'51.20"N 0°38'32.25"W |
Mintmarks in Germany are denoted as the
A = Berlin Mint
D = Munich Mint
F = Karlsruhe Mint
G = Stuttgart Mint
J = Hamburg Mint

Mint Name |
Staatliche Münze Berlin (Berlin Mint) |
Address |
Ollenhauerstr. 97, 13403 Berlin |
Address (mail) |
- |
Telephone |
+49 (0)30 23140639 |
Fax |
+49 (0)30 2425178 |
E-mail |
mail@muenze-berlin.de |
Website |
http://www.muenze-berlin.de |
Language |
German |
Google coordinates |
52 34'23.34"N, 13 19'50.33"E |

Mint Name |
Münze (Hamburg Mint) |
Address |
Bei der Neuen Münze 19, D-22145 Hamburg
Address (mail) |
- |
Telephone |
+49 (0)40 -
428 416-0 |
Fax |
+49 (0)40 -
428 416-925 |
E-mail |
*check site |
Website |
http://www.muenzehamburg.de/ |
Language |
German, English |
Google coordinates |
52 34'23.34"N, 13 19'50.33"E |

Mint Name |
Staatliche Münzen
Baden-Württemberg (Stuttgart Mint) |
Address |
Reichenhaller Straße 58, 70372 Stuttgart |
Address (mail) |
N/A |
Telephone |
+49 (0) 711 50941 - 0 |
Fax |
+49 (0) 711 50941 - 111 |
E-mail |
info@staatlichemuenzenbw.de |
Website |
http://www.staatlichemuenzenbw.de/ |
Language |
German |
Google coordinates |
48 48'6.75"N, 9 13'54.95"E |
Mint Name |
Munich Mint |
Address |
N/A |
Address (mail) |
N/A |
Telephone |
N/A |
Fax |
N/A |
E-mail |
N/A |
Website |
N/A |
Language |
N/A |
Google coordinates |
48 8'17.81"N, 11 38'37.84"E |

Mint Name |
Stolberg |
Address |
Niedergasse 19, 06547 Stolberg/Harz
Address (mail) |
N/A |
Telephone |
+49 03 46 54 454 |
Fax |
+49 03
46 54 729 |
E-mail |
Website |
http://www.stadt-stolberg.de |
Language |
German |
Google coordinates |
51 34'19.01"N 10 57'22.87"E |
The Netherlands

Mint Name |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (Royal
Dutch Mint)
Address |
Leidseweg 90, Utrecht |
Address (mail) |
Postbus 2407, 3500 GK Utrecht,
Netherlands |
Telephone |
+31 30 2910465 |
Fax |
+31 30 2946179 |
E-mail |
info@coins.nl |
Website |
http://nl.knm.nl |
Language |
Dutch, English |
Google coordinates |
52 5'14.08"N, 5 5'47.35"E |

Mint Name |
Московский монетный двор
(Moscow Mint) |
Address |
115093, Москва, ул. Даниловский Вал, д. 1 |
Address (mail) |
- |
Telephone |
+7 495 959 3277 |
Fax |
495 959 9518 |
E-mail |
mail@mmint.ru |
Website |
http://www.mmint.ru |
Language |
Russian |
Google coordinates |
55 42'45.76"N, 37 37'32.40"E

Mint Name |
The Singapore Mint |
Address |
20 Teban Gardens Crescent, Singapore
608928 |
Address (mail) |
- |
Telephone |
+65 6566 2626 |
Fax |
+65 6565 2626 / 6567 2626 |
E-mail |
N/A |
Website |
http://www.singaporemint.com/ |
Language |
English |
Google coordinates |
1 19'32.07"N, 103 44'22.43"E |

Mint Name |
Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre -
Real Casa de la Moneda (Royal Spanish Mint) |
Address |
c/ Jorge Juan, 106 28071 Madrid |
Address (mail) |
- |
Telephone |
+34 91 566 66 66 (General) |
Fax |
+34 91 504 29 43 / 33 86 (General /
Commercial Department) |
E-mail |
N/A |
Website |
http://www.fnmt.es |
Language |
Spanish, English |
Google coordinates |
40 25'21.71"N 3 40'15.20"W |
Mint Name |
Casa de la Moneda de Segovia (Segovia
Mint) |
Address |
N/A |
Address (mail) |
- |
Telephone |
N/A |
Fax |
N/A |
E-mail |
N/A |
Website |
http://www.segoviamint.org * |
Language |
Spanish, English |
Google coordinates |
40 57'15.60"N 4 7'42.51"W |
Retired Mint - possible museum mint in future
* Unofficial site
United States
of America

Mint Name |
The United States Mint, Denver Mint |
Address |
320 West Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado
80204-2693 |
Address (mail) |
- |
Telephone |
N/A |
Fax |
N/A |
E-mail |
N/A |
Website |
http://www.usmint.gov |
Language |
English |
Google coordinates |
39 44'21.65"N 104 59'32.17"W |
Mint Name |
The United States Mint, Philadelphia Mint |
Address |
151 North Independence Mall East,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106-1886 |
Address (mail) |
- |
Telephone |
N/A |
Fax |
N/A |
E-mail |
N/A |
Website |
http://www.usmint.gov |
Language |
English |
Google coordinates |
39 57'12.20"N, 75 08'51.06"W |
Mint Name |
The United States Mint, San Francisco Old
Mint |
Address |
88 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 |
Address (mail) |
- |
Telephone |
N/A |
Fax |
N/A |
E-mail |
N/A |
Website |
http://www.sfhistory.org/index.php?pageid=7 * |
Language |
N/A |
Google coordinates |
37 46'57.78"N, 122 24'26.26"W |
Retired mint
* unofficial site |
Mint Name |
The United States Mint, San Francisco New
Mint |
Address |
N/A |
Address (mail) |
- |
Telephone |
N/A |
Fax |
N/A |
E-mail |
N/A |
Website |
http://www.usmint.gov |
Language |
English |
Google coordinates |
37 46'13.07N 122 25'38.47W |
Special thanks to:
- scottishmoney @ coinpeople.com for
providing the US SF mint coordinates.
- tabbs @ coinpeople.com for
providing the Belgium, French, German & Spanish Mints coordinates
US San Francisco Old Mint:
http://www.sfhistory.org/index.php?pageid=7 (retrieved on June 6th 2007)
Last updated on: